Episode 23

Nourishing the Soul: Spiritual Journeys, Energy Healing, and Mindful Eating

In today's episode, Tricia is joined by the incredible Glendy Yueng, an energy healer and spiritual guide. Glendy has a wealth of experience in various spiritual systems and is passionate about helping individuals find fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment. She loves working with people who have inklings or are ready to open up to spirituality.

One of the key takeaways from this episode is Glendy's belief that everyone has a unique spiritual path and timeline. She shares her own slow 20+ year journey of realization, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's challenges, interests, and desires on their spiritual journey.

During the conversation, Tricia and Glendy also delve into the impact of dietary choices on energy and well-being. They acknowledge that it varies for each individual, and Glendy even suggests that certain individuals may thrive by including meat in their diets. They discuss their own dietary needs and how they manage meal planning for different preferences.

Glendy introduces the fascinating practices of dowsing and kinesiology, which can help identify the right foods to eat and ask the right questions for food choices and supplements. They also talk about the energetics of food, touching on how water in food carries memories and energy.

Ever wondered how to clear energy off of food and drinks before consuming them? Glendy shares her practice and even plans to provide a food meditation and clearing process in the show notes. So keep an eye out for that!

Later in the episode, Tricia introduces Glenda Young, another amazing energy healer and spiritual mentor. Glenda has a background in neuroscience and cybersecurity, which adds an interesting perspective to her work in vibrational wellness. She's passionate about guiding empaths and sensitive souls to understand and navigate the energetic currents affecting their lives.

The conversation delves deeper into the challenges of blending corporate work with personal passions and the importance of staying true to oneself. They discuss the impact of energy absorption on empaths and the different ways in which wellness practitioners experience similar challenges.

Glendy offers valuable insights into recognizing and clearing energy from food before consumption. She explains various techniques to modify energy, such as projecting, evaporating, or pulling in energy.

Tricia wraps up the episode by sharing her perspective on the power of intention in meal planning and serving food. She reflects on the idea that individuals can find their own unique path and methods when it comes to the energy and intention of food.

That's all for now, but stay tuned for more fascinating discussions on Mealtime Magic & Mayhem!

Glendy's Links:

Her digital course - Everyday Energy Hygiene For the Sensitive Souls









1) Quiz : https://glendy-yeung.involve.me/energy-protection

2) ebook - Thriving Kit for the Sensitive Souls : https://link.moderncrm.org/widget/form/rDFXNpirMPYD6B0msSEL

Tricia's Links:

Table Topics (this is an Amazon affiliate link) - A fun way to prompt interesting conversations at the dinner table: https://amzn.to/45i2vTO

🔗 Click here to join Trish's Cook Connect & Conquer Club! : https://triciasbitesoflife.com/connectcookconquer

Connect with Trish for Your Free Strategy Call: https://link.feacreate.com/widget/bookings/connectwithtrish

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tricia.clark.161


Her YouTube channel is launching here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGEincPtA74cyPzpggzMZw

Grab Your Free Guide to Bringing Fun Back to Mealtime Here (include a 3 night meal plan, meal planner, and 10 ideas to make everything more fun:


Podcast Giveaway Details: https://kingsumo.com/.../spread-the-mealtime-magic-giveaway



Hey there, mealtime magic and mayhem listeners. Welcome to another episode. Today, we are talking about something a little bit different when it comes to food. I have Glenda Young here. She is an energy healer and spiritual mentor. Her spiritual journey started over 20 years ago, which she credits for supporting her past careers in neuroscience and cybersecurity. Glendy is passionate about guiding empaths and sensitive souls to demystify underlying energetic currents impacting how they think, feel, and show up in life. Glendy's work focuses on teaching empaths and wellness practitioners how to create harmony using our innate energetic awareness and higher dimensional energy skill sets.


Her work helps stop energy leaks and plug emotional drains so they can show up fully in their work and their relationship. So I know you've mentioned that your favorite food is a giant bowl of perfectly al dente pasta with a sumptuous sauce and sides of vegetables. That sounds absolutely amazing. And we're both carbitarians because I prefer to call us. I love a perfectly executed carb as well. You'll hear me say I love carbs and cocktails quite frequently.


Uh-huh. Good combo.


I'm excited to have this conversation. Welcome to the podcast, Wendy.


Thanks for having me, Trisha.


Alright. So I love to start every interview with a fun question, and they're not all food related. I think these are just super fun in helping us get to know people in different ways. So if you were moving and you could only take 3 items, what would they be?


Wow. Three items. Let's see. Definitely one of my tantra ring, which I don't have it within reach. Sometimes I do, actually, which is it's actually the energy tool. It looks like a crown. I usually wear it and hide it under my hat. Nobody would knows.


But, perfect companion for airplanes, for going to the city, or just simply recharging. So that's 1, Instapot. Instapot. Instapot. Instapot. Or it could be somewhere between an Instapot or those immersion blender.


Bold. That's a tough choice.


My recent trips, I actually took both. But should we have both? And the last one. Let's see. The last one's a little tougher.


Oh, you've got something to protect your energy. You've got something to feed your belly.


Yeah. Water filter.


Water filter. Great choice. Great choice. Okay. Those are great. I like those. Alright. So let's get into the questions here.


So I really love it if you could share a little bit about how your background in neuroscience and cybersecurity has influenced your work in vibrational wellness. I think that's a really interesting transition from something that seems we're tangible to things that we think of as more intangible. Right? So how do you seemingly connect these 2 very different worlds?


Yeah. It's kind of funny that how I started my life. I'm a sci fi nerd. I study science in college. I did tons of research. I'm talking about with animals in the laboratories, like, in those, you know, what you can imagine science doing with those little pipettes and, like, lab coats and, like, classes. You name it, I've done that. And, yes, I do have papers in my name.


And it's funny. I'm I'm a little bit jaded actually doing through the scientific process. Because a lot of times, The reason why some certain research is done has to do with how it interrelated to existing research already done. And, also, for me, I mean, I have worked with lots of animals. And one of my party jokes I would say is, like, if you name a brain, I have sliced it. And yes. So


That's funny because my party trick is, like, name that tune, but yours is, like, give me a brain, and I've dissected it. That's the


Yeah. Yeah. It's a little grim over there, but perfect for, like, Scorpio is my sign, so that's totally perfectly matched. So there's a little bit jaded from the perspective of, like, what is really what we consider a science and how it's being executed based on interrelated with the ideology of it, the philosophy of it, as as well as actual day to day reality ties into the societal norm. And I took my scientific method and the aspirations into technology. That's my next world for, like, for better part of 17 years. I was in the technology world in the, very masculine world in Fortune 500, Fortune 100 companies, actually supporting many of them's insurance companies, banking, pharmaceuticals, and and a lot of, like, big industry that you have considered successful. But it is during this time that while I was in this very, very, grounded, for like a better word.


Right? That industry that in the for deep into the matrix, if you will, what supported me personally, both energetically and just spiritually, I guess, I didn't even realize at the time, was all the pursuits on the weekends and my all my vacations are completely spent on recovering myself, and it's all has to do with, spiritual studies. Lot of very esoteric and healing practices or retreats. So if anything, that's what keep me alive, maintaining the way that I was able to handle the the the corporate world. It's actually it's all the other stuff that I absolutely cannot talk about During the day to day, right, facing clients in the normal world. Yeah.


I really relate to that because I work in that corporate environment during the day, and then this cooking business is really my passion business outside of that. So I can still relate to that whole the masculine and feminine energy part of it, but also, like, this is the way you're supposed to show up. Right? And there's not really a lot of blending of the 2 in a lot of cases.


Yeah. Absolutely. And I think more people beginning to recognize that there's the parts that we need to honor, even though that we have play a certain role in life. Hopefully, the more that we're able to show up in the way that how it's on us. And a big part of it is also shedding what we have been conditioned to, what is good, what is proper, what is respectful, what makes money.


Yes. Right? Yes. So true. So true. So you mentioned that you help empaths and wellness practitioners create harmony using energetic awareness and higher dimensional energy skill sets. Can you Elaborate on how understanding energy can benefit individuals in their everyday lives, including professional work and relationships.


Yeah. I think finally, science caught up to the spiritual world and sometimes even finally catching up to, like, thousands of traditions of the meditations and and the Buddhist world, which whichever traditions you counted on the idea of everything is energy, Whether it's this physical body that we think of as so solid.




It's actually, you know, it's all just vibrating cells, atoms. So is the chair that you're sitting on, the table you're touching, but also your thoughts, your emotions, the pain that you might be feeling somewhere in your back. So those are all just moving energy. And especially for those who are empathic, some something that lot of people are just simply born with but may not even have those labels. There there are people who are naturally picking up thoughts. Like, they're like a sponge. They're just simply in an environment where will they feel people's pain or sadness or annoyance or jealousy or anger. They may not know it's theirs.


They just kinda shift mood and just, like, all of a sudden in a bad mood or they don't feel so great.


Yeah. It's so interesting that you say that because we had an experience many years ago, and my Husband had a cousin or an uncle that passed away, and my son our son was gosh. I wanna say he was probably 5 or 6. Mhmm.




didn't know really anybody there outside of, like, our immediate family, but he just sobbed the whole time, and you could tell that he just was picking up on and feeling what everybody else in the room. It was really heavy for him. And that's one of the most distinct scenarios I can think of where I've always known that I'm that way. But to see it in him and it just kind of become and him not even know how to manage it yet and how overwhelming. It really is interesting how you can walk into a room, and it's not just that emotional piece right. You can walk into a room and think like, oh, it just doesn't feel good in here. Like, it's angsty or angry or you know, you can just tell when the energy's off. And I feel like most people can to some extent.


But then as you talk about empaths, they can absorb it and then not really know how to deal with it or maybe not even realize it's not theirs.


Absolutely. And, I'm hoping that this concept will become more familiar. Just as, you know, how in old days, like, emotions are bad. Like, you know, like, we need to be professionals. So so there's a lot of even those really small impulses of ours, whether it's just the the way that our body gives messages or the way that, like, your son and your experience of really, like, really feeling the toss around of actually what everybody's feeling. And it is really hard for the empaths and for those that who felt it, even though they don't have those label, because they can be lashing out to people on Thoughts and emotions and ideas that's not theirs. Mhmm. They could be harboring pain in the body that's absolutely not theirs.


On to some of the extremes. For certain reason, there are certain people that are even very easily picking up not just emotions that we think of with others, but also there's so many different category of energies in the environment that can be quite detrimental to us. Like Just think of somebody work in a hospital. Mhmm. Right? So not only is there, you know, despair, sufferings, but there's literally ghosts and other things like that. So yeah. Exactly. So all those things can really affect someone.


And unless you are conscientious of how to transmute it, and that's actually one of empath's job. And specialty is to be able to transmute the energy. But unless they know how to do it or they learn how to do it, they, Chances are feel like they're in a cyclone all the time Mhmm. Or they had in roller coasters of how they show up in clients. They may be passing on Some of these things to others?


Oh, interesting.


Clients. Yeah. And also, if they are and a lot of empaths obviously have professions that are perhaps in the situation that are very nurturing for health coaches, wellness practitioners, yoga teachers, and you name it. And it doesn't even have to be anything special profession, but we do it people. Right? Yeah. Day to day, we're trying to, you know, help someone in whatever profession we do, And we pick up stuff from the other parties. And a lot of times people get drained and upset and can't stay in their job. They want to quit.


I have so many examples of acupuncturist. That about 10 year mark, they're like, they're fried. And they don't necessarily know that that is because they absorb too much of the stuff coming off of needle. What do you think coming off the at the other side of the needle?


I've never even thought about that.


Exactly. And a lot of acupuncturists kinda get burned out unless they admit know how to match energy, apply the right things for them to transmute the energies and shift the burden.


Okay. Which is, I'm assuming, partially why you really focused on those wellness practitioners because they have more of an opportunity to probably take some of that on.


Yeah. Exactly. It it really depending on the person at the end of day because they are certainly there's a lot of psychiatrists and therapists that has, did not have that burden. Others. Right? Because they're dealing our social workers, right, they're obviously dealing with very heavy things. However, they managed to do it. Right? Yeah. Without Because there's so many things that we're never really trained or taught.


There's no such thing. We just figure it out. Mhmm. Just like so many things in life. Right? It's too true. Right. Sink or swim. Sink or swim, pretty much.


I mean, even with cooking. Right? Like, you have a grandma to teach you how to do the x. You know? When the first time I tried to Cocker Turkey. You know? Like, I don't know. I'll try to read the Internet, but until it happens


Right. Well and, like, for me, I'm self taught. Nobody taught me how to do that, like, until I started playing with it and experimenting and then taking cooking classes and watching the Food Network, which I was obsessed with. So, yeah, you either figure it out if you don't have that person there to show you along the way. Yeah. And the


big part of it is also depends on what kind of kitchen you have. Some people's ovens are funny. Right? Yeah. And, yeah, gas stove is very different than electric, tricky. I'm so blessed that I will fuse to cook on electric stove. Right.


Yes. Never again.


Stove girls. And right? Well, I mean, Instant Pot is a different story. Fun. We'll give that excuse, but I'm not at an air fryer yet. But, nonetheless, energetically, it's kinda the same thing. Because not the same I can give, you know, a solution to solving a particular problem energetically. Everybody is gonna experience differently. Okay.


Really depending on what type of consciousness genetics and and compositions and Conditioning. Con yeah. This is really a lot more complicated in terms of how our energy system is spilled and what kind of burdens we brought in from other lives, some past lives, some from astral's inheritance.


Yeah. It's just fascinating, isn't it?


Yeah. So the the box is really, really big. And a lot of times, those to our ready spiritual seekers already have that neck that eye to, like, wait a minute. Something is not quite as it seem, then would have dive deeper into it, and same thing for the wellness practitioner. Right? Because a lot of them already have their own spiritual journey in whatever fashion, through meditations, through certain spiritual community or system they have studied that they would begin to expand a little bit, going back to the science, beyond even what like, an official narrative, but rather their own person, their life become the the scientific experiment.


So would you say the nature of your work or you're working with people that are already those spiritual seekers versus those that are, like, at the very beginning of that journey?


You can say so. I enjoy working with empaths part of this because I feel like, as an empath, you have no choice but to learn the skills and to kinda really oh, you know, Despite a lot of times, we just want to be handed a narrative in life. Like, well, we go to school. We get a job in this place. We buy a house in the car, and we'll find the right guy and right? Have some kids, and that's pretty good life. Right? But for empaths, and especially they ride the waves of the energy, and their chances are there's a bigger box they would find fulfilling in this narrative that just handed to them. Maybe some of them would peek beyond, like, there's some openings. So, yes, a lot of work that I do.


Yes. I I do energy healing, from a variety of modalities. I I myself have studied and gone through, quite a few spiritual systems that, kinda open the box bigger and bigger for me, and also understand the rise and falls and the pitfalls of the different system that perhaps people have stuck on as we try to find our guru, our teachers, our what resonate and what can help them to find that fulfillment or that spiritual enlightenment, whatever that means to the person. So, yes, I enjoy especially working with people that who have already have the inklings. And sometimes it's only the all knowing. Doesn't mean that they have to be in any systems or who are kinda jaded




Been around the block. Or those that are ready to open up that has to learn about the spirituality aspect of it because it really ties into the energetics of it.


Yeah. Definitely. And I was asking because for anybody who's listening, who's now like, oh, that's interesting. But maybe they're just really early on that path. Do you have any recommendations for how they can get started, or should they just get in contact with you?


Everybody has a very unique spiritual path, and the time line, it's also varied. I've seen people, like, especially the last few years, they literally just kind of opened up and woke an up, you know, from spirit, whatever you call it and pursue all these things and get a lot of realizations through a very short amount of time. For me, it's a very slow burn over 20 something plus years. And if anything, I would actually didn't even realize. A lot of things that I have come across that I didn't know that probably started my spiritual journey probably since I was 6 years old. I did not know that at the time.


Yeah. I I see that a lot as I look back. You know, whether it's my own journey or even the journey of our children, you noticed that, like, oh, that led to this. That was a stepping stone for this. And, you know, you had no idea at the time, but can recognize it a bit later.


So the best way, as you said, is really take a snapshot of what kind of challenge you're dealing with right now, what kind of breadcrumbs you have pick up along the way, what kind of things that sparks your interest, what kind of things that you despise. Right? And I'm more than happy to to to chat because and and that might be scary because I actually, by now. I personally have to pick up a lot of things and give up a lot of old ideas Mhmm. That I have learned and loved and kinda seeped beyond the different layers of it. So I address a lot of nuance on many many higher dimensional reality than just like, okay. This is black and white. If you study this, you'd be a good person. You're good to go.


You know and even our own journeys really depends on ties into a lot of factors of who we are. And I think one of the biggest gifts that we can give ourselves is to really, really look into and remembering who we truly are beyond the name, beyond the label, beyond the Whatever meat suit that we're carrying. Mhmm. And, for some, that's a very worthwhile discovery.


Yeah. 100% agree. But it it's not an overnight discovery. Like you said, it's years in the making, right, and always a work in progress.


It is. It's absolutely work in progress, and I think It takes a while. It doesn't matter what stages you are at or where you think you are, and sometimes it's frustrating. It comes with the typical stories that we listened to in a on a movie. Right? It has this frustration, this reward, but, nonetheless, as you progress, you can actually look back and, like, wow. Okay. It's a lot of the challenges. It's not for not.


The and, actually, some of the craziest, quote, unquote, like, things that happens, like, give me the biggest stories to tell or the most biggest learnings. And I think we can all relate to that. And as long as we're not fall into the heaviness of it and find the lightness of it, Yeah. That we can evolve. We can continuously create better for ourselves.


As you talk about, like, giving up bold ways and things that you loved in order to continue this journey. I know you mentioned that you've been on a journey from being a meat eater to a vegetarian for those energetic reasons. Yeah. How have you found that that dietary shift has impacted your overall energy and well-being?


For me, again, I would also preface this. Everybody is different, and I still don't know how that would change for me, but I have not noticed any different at all. Okay. I was eating a lot of vegetables anyway for longest time. And even for long time. A lot of my friends are vegan gluten free. So whenever I cook, it has to be vegan gluten free anyway, even though I love good also bucco and, you know, any kind of stew oh, it needs 2 vegetables. That's like my comfort food.


That's like my go to to making and even going out to enjoy. Love steak. I'm glad I've done all of that before that I decided. So on a physical level, I didn't have any difficulties. Okay. And I also have learned that there are people who are like, 20 year vegan. They could hardly can sleep, and their Chinese medicine doctor advised them to, like, no. Just have to eat, like, a little meat.


And then the 1st day that they finally do it, that's the 1st time they sleep. Food.


Yeah. You hear and there's just so much noise out here, right, about you should eat this way or that way and, you know, whether it's plant based or raw or vegan or vegetarian or there's just it's a I had to ask the question because there's so much out there about, like, this is how you should eat for the best operation of your body, and I truly believe that that's different for every single body. And so to lay those statements out there is really interesting. And I have friends that are like, well, I'm vegetarian now, but I really want to go vegan. And we haven't had the conversation as to why that transition. Like, what's driving that. Right? Mhmm. But I think a lot of it in a lot of cases is hearing that, well, I've heard that this is better for me.


Maybe it's a belief or an affinity for the treatment of animals. So, you know, everybody's paths and reasons are their own. But that's why I asked because I've heard so much about, you know, you'll feel better if you do it this way. Yeah. Maybe I won't. Maybe you will or vice versa. Right?


Totally. And I think by now, and as I even dive into some of the different energy work, Yeah. There are certain people, because of their energetic makeup, ties into a much deeper philosophy of what they're really comprised of. Mhmm. Beyond the cells, beyond the what we think of who we are. Yeah. Some people that will not thrive at all unless they eat meat. And they are all the different type of food ties into certain different energetics.


So, I mean, you and I talk about we are cop friends. We're having like, I'll be pasta rice, and I'm Asian. Like, you know, I could give up meat. No problem. Giving up rice


impostor. Who


knows? I've done that. It was difficult. So the grains of the worlds were kinda brought into, this world for a very specific energy reason. So it's actually not so nice if you kinda look at it. But nonetheless, I'm kinda still stuck eating it. I love it.


So to me, rice is a very healing food. I love it. But I definitely know that when I need more protein, I know when I need carbs. My husband can go low carb and, like, he's fine for, like, long periods of time. Like, he clearly doesn't need the same Yeah. And so it it's all also really makes it really fun to to meal plan and cook when one wants to be keto and one doesn't, but we figured out. We managed pretty well. We managed pretty well.


Yes. Kids wanting to eat other things and, yeah, has his own game idea. So I would offer a couple things here. Number 1, I begin to put together, like, using dowsing to decide what is the right food to eat.


Tell me a little bit more about that.


Essentially, it's dowsing sometimes is also explains that, kinesiology, muscle testing. Mhmm. So, essentially, you are, you know, using your physical intelligence to identify what is actually the right food for you. I mean, you actually can use that for many things from finding looking for water in the land, to clearing energy burden, to healing diseases, to ask answering any questions. And in this case, if we ask the right questions, it has to do with what is the right food to eat.


I just had another conversation with somebody about this, but it was much more, I mean, along the same lines, but the exercise was much more about, is this food I'm about to eat good for me. So tell me a little bit more about how to ask the right questions. I guess this is what I'm looking for.


Yeah. I used charts and list. Okay. Yeah. And that can get this probably get a little complicated to explore here. And especially, when you use a lot of times in the beginning with even the dowsings or any types of hinesiology. We only ask answering like a yes, no question. Mhmm.


So a yes, no can be and can be a weak yes. Right? There's difference between, right, a weak yes. Yes. There's a weak. Or maybe it's a strong no. So when, when you expand the using the muscle testings skill set to get a little further to be able to answer not just like a yes, no binary, but like a quality. Quantity and quality. Yeah.


And also, you you there's a lot of layers to it, learning to ask the right questions because the diet that we're talking about and this applied to supplements, which is doing actually for supplement as well. Because how long does it need to be on? Is it for this week. Is it for a month? Is it for the coming year? When do I have to check to revisit? Because we change. Right? And it depends on what we actually put in that also, modified. So it it's more of a lifestyle to do that. It's not like one time, like, oh, I it's it's like you look at your astrology chart. You find, you know, this is how you're supposed to be, and then you're all set. No.


I think it's a lot more dynamic processed, but, is a worthwhile process to explore.


Yeah. So your approach to food, as we've been talking about, goes beyond nutrition and really jumps into the energetics of what we consume. Can you explain a little bit about how our food and drinks carry unique energies and why it's essential that we are mindful of those?


Yeah. There's a couple of ways of that. Number 1, like, if you think of food, a lot of food has lots of water. Think of watermelons. Right? Or even me has water. We have water. Those waters carry memories, carries energy. I love one of the meditations that I've done very early on in my yoga training.


It's a food meditation. We kind of explore the lifespan of a food from a seed that grows in a farm, that has certain energetics, meaning, you know, how are the soil? What's in the land? Are the land healthy? I'm talking beyond whether it's highly nutrients with the right water, the right amount of sun, but also what kind of atrocities has happened in the land? Oh, it's the land loving and and a loving beautiful farm. There's no pesticides. Right? Or versus It was like a war zone that in the previous renditions. Right? Those things that whatever food growing, Imagine that carry that energy. Right? And then depends on who are the farmers, who are the one attending exchanging energy, tending to it.


Yeah. It really takes that idea of being grateful for your food and for where it comes from to a to a completely different level.


Yeah. Are they loving farmers? Are they like just greedy merchants? Right? And then and then once they picked up, they go through different people's hands. Depending on who they pass through and what they carry, it touches them and then goes through a transportation. Right. Like, how did it go? Then it picks up that. It's a long way from people, from places.


There's hundreds of touch points.


Exactly. And then it goes to the supermarket. And then there's more people and more places. And then if it goes into a kitchen, are the chefs cooking? Are they upset? Other dealings of some family problems at home and while they're cooking. Yeah? You you get the point.


Oh, yeah. No. Definitely. Like, I'm a firm believer in that the the energy that you put into your food comes out in how it tastes, for sure. Yeah.


Absolutely. So I've been probably for at least a dozen year clearing energy off of food and drink before I put it in my mouth.


Is there a way you could share that food meditation with us so we could put it in the show notes?


The actual meditations or the clearing part?


Yes. Either 1 or both. Yeah. Just, because I think the meditation piece of it is an interesting aspect. I've seen a few different, like, bless this bowl, be grateful for your food, but I feel like it takes it step deeper and and for someone who's listening, they could be interested in what that looks like.


I'll create the food meditation one. I'll create both for you. The food meditation ones is more of just connecting more of so that it give us into the place, the sensitive space, the the liminal space of really connecting with The journey of the food and, like, show up in the grape in the mouth. Literally, you can have that while you are doing the medicine.


Been doing it for so long, it comes naturally to you, whereas Somebody who's listening might not understand the steps or Yes. You know, like, get kind of hung up on that. So I think that would be really great to offer in the show notes.


Yeah. I would do that. And then but more importantly, the the Clearing. Part, I actually don't do as much. But it's the clearing because that's what I do, like, anytime I put things in my mouth.


Yeah. That was actually gonna be my next question. So, yeah, tell us more about that.


Yeah. It's interesting because it just happened so that a lot of spiritual traditions and energy healing, modalities that I come across. I'm very OCD about energy, and all of them talks about clearing food. So, you know, I have since expanded on how it's done, what is done, what's covered, as well as what is there to notice. Because for for everyday people, we can imagine. Right? The emotions. Right? The purpose the person touched the food. But for those who are sensitive to energy or maybe they can see, they they have other knowing and sensitivity.


They may be able to holding an orange and recognize other energies that actually beyond mental emotionals on it, other levels of dimensional life forces that actually attach you that need to be move away before we consume it. So is that an area to explore? But, yes, I'll do a simple one, for the show notes. Yeah.


Yeah. So what does that look like? So can you just kinda tell us a little bit about, like, what clearing that energy looks like without like going through the process. Yeah.


So part of it is, number 1, that we're recognizing that our ability to modify energy. So in this case, we're using our hands. We're gonna activate our hands. It's not a big deal. Everybody can do that, but once you recognize and register, do that. And then in different ways that you can actually project energy, evaporate energy, how to, like, you know, all are like magnets, pull it in. I oftentimes sharing with my clients. They're like, no.


Think of, like, Iron Mans Iron Man hands. Sparrow style. So, literally, we are there are certain types there are many different types of ways to do energy clearing, and, therefore, different level of stuff. So one level is literally even as we moving stuff around us because that the energy is all around inside of us. You know, it's a lot of thought forms are here. We get rid of it. So clearing energy of food, it's literally, like I would wave my hands around it with very certain specific intent and also very specific, like, clearing protocol to get rid of, of a certain energy and then restructure it. Like to restructure it according to what is best for me.


So cool. This is fascinating. Wendy, thank you so much for this conversation. It's been really enlightening and just makes you think about things a little bit deeper, right, than where we typically are thinking about food. And I really appreciate that. Tell us, where everybody can get in touch with you, how to follow you, and about anything that you have going on


that you want to be aware of. Yes. Find me on my website, glenadione.com. And I'm also on Instagram, also under get glenadione. What I'm most excited to share upcoming. It's I have a course called right now, the level 2 course is called everyday energy hygiene for the sensitive soul. So it is for those who are, recognizing that they are being drained from work, drained from family, even though they don't wanna admit it, but recognize the roller coaster of energy and emotions when they're dealing with people, dealing with work. So those are really entry level ways to really understand what is really there that drained us, and how to prepare before the incidents, before any kind of sensitive race situations, how to handle it during.


Because sometimes you just find yourself in the middle of it, And more importantly, how to clean up and how to clean up quick. Mhmm. So and then I'll be having an advanced energetic self defense course coming up that will dive a lot deeper into open the breadbox about how to dig into, like, protections and shielding. And more importantly, using the dowsing. I mentioned about learning how to use the pendulum to do our own clearing work. Because the biggest protections it's not necessarily just like block and tackle. It's not like going to the war. But it's really how to clean up your own detriments that we don't even realize that we carry, that a lot of times, having a resonance with some of the difficult things that we encounter.


Wonderful. Well, great. We'll make sure that all of Glendy's, links are in the show notes so that you can check out all the things that she talked about and get in touch with her. Mindy, thank you so much for having this conversation with me. It's been so fun to have you here and just a really interesting conversation. And I think it's gonna be really fun to put this one back to back with the other conversation I was telling you about because she talked a lot about the testing of the food and if it's in a way she could tell if it was good or bad for you, but to follow it up with this one for anybody who's interested in clearing the energy of their food, I think it'll be really interesting to have those back to back. So excited for these episodes to drop. And anything else that you wanna share with us before we sign off for the day?


Oh, well, one more thing. Even though if we don't do Any clearing work, you can always raise the vibrations of the food by infusing what you intent your highest intentions in it.


Intense. I love that. That is actually so much what I speak about in my programs is the intention that you're putting behind whether it's meal planning or cooking or serving the food and the conversation at the table because just those small shifts can go a long way. You don't have to go this far with it. But if by all means that interests you, then do dive into it. Again, it's finding your own path and what speaks and what works for you. Right? Yeah. Thank you so much.


And listeners, I will talk to you in the next episode.

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Mealtime Magic & Mayhem
Experience mealtime with dash of magic and just a spring of mayhem

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Tricia Clark